Much of what is unfinished, even unsuccessful, will be just as interesting, at the least, for those who still take an interest in me in 50 or 100 years, as what is successful, in finished form.
Welcome to Arthur Schnitzler digital. The aim of this project is to produce a digital critical edition of the literary works of Arthur Schnitzler from the period 1905 to 1931. The edition is being prepared through a binational collaboration between Germany and the UK and is hosted by Cambridge University Library. Willkommen bei Arthur Schnitzler digital. Ziel des Projekts ist die Erarbeitung einer digitalen historisch-kritischen Edition der literarischen Werke Arthur Schnitzlers aus dem Zeitraum von 1905 bis 1931. Die Edition wird im Rahmen einer binationalen deutsch-britischen Kooperation erarbeitet und von der Universitätsbibliothek Cambridge beherbergt.

Partners and Sponsors

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